Photoshop Lions
By Paige
Image from bmwz329
Photoshop cats aren’t just cute & fuzzy, in fact some of the coolest feline photoshop creatures use a cat of a different size.
Lions aren’t quite as popular as domestic cats in the online art world, but we managed to find a few worth sharing.
Image from bottler
Because any distinguished lion would wear a military outfit
Image from Registered
Too creepy for words
Image from allanpanisa
Chase the ball or eat it?
Image from Gerbrau
Jeez, I wish I gnu the way
Image from blearyeye
Probably not the best hunter
Image from LunaC
The real artwork
Image from Serrator
Party time!
Image from moohaha
Creepy Lions
If the big cats scare you too much, you can always head over to see the small ones. Cat Creatures | Creepy Cats | If Cats Ruled the World