Creepy Cat Photoshop
By Paige
The Internet loves cats, and these animals have a funny way of showing up in the strangest places online. Here some photoshop masters show us how it’s done using cats as their subjects.
These aren’t the cute kitty photoshop images, they are among the creepier variety.
It puts the kitty in the bucket
Image from imagarth
King Kitty doesn’t look pleased
Image from sugarcane
Crap, we’ve had a bit of a malfunction
Image from Glinks
It’s not how many eyes you have, but how well you see
Image from Ninha
Cat, it’s what’s for dinner
Image from hygglobert
Maybe cats do steal your breath at night…
Image from Mundo
A carnivore’s worst nightmare
Image from AZRainman
Eye spy Pi
Image from johnx1
Bring on Riki Tiki Tavi now!
Image from Mandrak
Hairless Cats
It seems they are a popular subject when it comes to the photoshop artists. These artists did a bang up job, and if you liked them you’ll love Photoshop – If Cats Ruled The World too.